Eek! Where did the week go?
Let's see...
Monday saw me in the kitchen, baking. For the first time in ages. What did I make?
We call them Kitchen Sink Muffins. They're based on a Morning Glory muffin recipe that I've had around, but then we added a few extra things. Pretty. Aren't they? At least before I mixed 'em up
And they made the house smell sooo good! I may have had muffins for dinner.
Tuesday, I went to the Warkworth Spinners and Weavers Guild's Annual Spin In. In Campbellford. Which is a bit of a hike from my house. But, what the heck. Road Trip!!
It was a first for me, but it was their 21st Annual.
Know what a sea of spinners looks like? It looks like this
That room was alive with spinners and wheels, in any direction one cared to look.
And there were treats. Provided by the wonderful Warkworth Guild members!
And lunch. Lamb burgers. Andrea, this one's for you. Doesn't Sue look like she's enjoying that?
I would guess there were about 100 spinners and their wheels in attendance. It was amazing.
After a fun-filled day of spinning, yakking and stash acquisition, it was time to go home.
Debbie, Beth, Sue. My spinning girls. Don't they look happy?
What? In the trunk? Nope. Nothin' to see there. Just a big ol' bunch o' empty ....
Home is good, too.
Wednesday and Thursday were taken up by the never-ending and mighty job hunt. Nuff said.
And today, I prepare for a much anticipated weekend in the Haliburton Highlands with good friends, good times and good food.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
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